Thursday, March 11, 2010

Seagull club in Setubal

Long time ago there was a club in Setubal called "Seagull". It was more than a club, actually. It became a reference for a huge generation of people from all Portugal and beyond, just because it was considered the best club in the country. Some press reporters even wrote at the time“ God created the World and Alfredo (owner) created Seagull".

People would travel miles and miles just to be able to have a nice dinner in Setubal and then hit the dancefloor at Seagull on a Saturday night.

Seagull was located on the way to the famous Galapos beach, it had giant screens with videoclips all night long and an open air balcony over the sea and below the stars on a completely idylic scenario. A place to dance, make friends, fall in love, unwind and completely let your hair down.

This place is in the memory of many many people that had the chance to be there at this time. It has been closed though for many many years. Until now...

Something really special is about to happen in Setubal. On the 14-16 May it will take place in the region the "Seagull Again" weekend, full of activities and events and with the mega party "Seagull Again" taking place at the Tróia Design Hotel.

See more about it here: Seagull Again


  1. And there I danced, I made friends, I fell in love... and drank a lot!... lol

    Miss you, Seagull!

  2. Seagull back to us pleaseeeeeeeeeee, I felt so much love there, the moonlight on the balcony so miss, back again to us

  3. Bons anos de adolescencia e sempre tendo a Seagull como testemunha de muitos e bons anos de divertimento e muitas agradaveis companhias..

  4. Seagull = simply the best!!! Miss it, really!

  5. Thanks everyone, more information about the Seagull event will be posted soon! :)

  6. I knew that place before it was a club. What good memories I have. What an wonderful place, will never forget it

  7. Muitas idas de Lisboa , descer a Arrábida , algumas vezes de faróis fechados num famoso Toyota Land Cruise, e o Seagull á nossa espera.
    Grandes noites , melhores companhias , superiores "regressos" !!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Para todos o efeitos a minha juventude acabou quando o Seagull desapareceu, comecei a trabalhar comprei casa, mais responsabilidades, ate a minha radio favorita acabou, a Super FM.
    Agora com 35 anos a super esta outra vez no ar e vou poder voltar atras no tempo e sentir-me com 20 anos outra vez....

  9. O Seagull foi um marco muito grande na nossa juventude!!

    Cada vez que passamos e vemos as ruinas... é tão triste!!

    Seagull, volta!! Pleaseeeeee

  10. O Seagull era algo simplesmente único, e traz de volta á memória as incríveis e intermináveis noites de verão no Seagull...hummm ;=)

    Lembro-me uma das vezes que saímos de lá quase de dia íamos para o carro e demos com uns pescadores (isto tipo 6 e tal da manhã) olhamos para eles muito surpreendidos e eles também olharam para nós muito admirados do tipo "o que é que estes malucos fazem aqui a estas horas da manhã ?!?!?" e acabamos todos por dar umas valentes gargalhadas á conta disso (pescadores incluídos) LOL
